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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bethel, CT

location-map Bethel, CT | (037) 434 1121

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It is my goal to assist you achieve a higher level of wellness and success in all relevant aspects of your life. I use practical approach for result oriented therapy. Together, we will achieve positive in your life outcomes for both present and future.

location-map Bethel, CT | (860) 672 5512

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I have 17+ years experience building positive and productive therapeutic relationships with individuals, couples and families. It is time to let go of those unhelpful patterns, thoughts and behaviors that are keeping you stuck. Together let’s start replacing them with healthy productive ones so you can live the life you desire. Caring for your emotional and physical health is often pushed to the side as the tasks of daily life take front stage. Neglecting mental/emotional health is counterproductive. Issues emerge and it is all to easy to get stuck in unproductive patterns. Take your life back and stay on the path you want to be on.

location-map Bethel, CT | (475) 275 8101

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Whether mental distress manifests as substance abuse, anxiety, depression, relationship issues or life event stressors, understanding the nature of the mind itself and developing coping techniques to calm waves of agitation is of paramount importance. As mental distress is diminished through counseling techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and mindfulness techniques, then present issues can be examined collaboratively at a pace that feels comfortable. Successful change must be growth enhancing but not overwhelming. Personally, I find yoga and meditation powerful for self renewal. I specialize in support during life transitions such as relationship break-up, unplanned pregnancy, death of a loved one and job loss. Unbiased counseling at such times can support you in feeling secure that you've examined all aspects of a situation and made the best possible decision in the moment. I have also worked over twenty five years as a psychiatric nurse where I saw clients primarily receive symptom management and medication. I believe in empowering clients to summon their own inner knowing, a voice often ignored. While much of healthcare is now delivered via a business model, I strive to help clients develop a deeper level of self awareness