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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Burlington, CT

location-map Burlington, CT | (959) 207 2826

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Life is full of uncertainties and sometimes we can get "stuck" in patterns that no longer serve us or our relationships. If you are struggling to see your potential or your path to healing, let me help you find the key. There is hope. You've done the first step by recognizing that something is no longer working for you. Now, you are seeking help and it does not have to be done alone. I enjoy working with clients who are ready to explore thoughts, feelings and behaviors with curiosity. I utilize various techniques and specialize in mindfulness. I can help promote wellness for clients who are working to heal PTSD, grief, balance mood disorders, ease difficult life transitions, and who need someone to hear their story. Let us work together to tap into your own strengths and guide you towards wellness and healing. If you are ready to take the next step and find the right counselor for you, don't give up and give me a call today. You are not alone.

location-map Burlington, CT | (860) 554 6307

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Many of the clients we serve have tried therapy with a counselor who was not a good fit for them. We get it. Our therapists help you feel better by understanding your emotions are like a guide. Counseling with us feels as easy as speaking with a friend who can truly help guide the process. I specialize in mental health counseling with an emphasis on recovery and maintenance. My area of expertise is anger, depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, autism, spirituality, and family therapy. We love working with people just like you; folks seeking to be matched with the best online therapist. Our focus is on mental health, wellness, and empowering clients to be their best selves. We know not all therapists are good... some of them are great!