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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Danielson, CT

location-map Danielson, CT | (860) 341 5410

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Do you find yourself conflicted within your thoughts and feelings? Do you spend a lot of mental energy trying to cope with your inner angst and turmoil or sadness or anger? maybe even rage? or Fear? Do you find yourself wishing you knew how to feel better emotionally so you could just be more happy in life? Our Feelings are a wonderful gift that makes us HUMAN but when our feelings are not balanced, when we are carrying unresolved issues from past, when we are flooded by feelings and not able to see things clearly, they provide the biggest pain and heartache in life. Would you like someone to help you with your inner struggle? View 8 Photos We are a group of Licensed Mental Health Professionals who can help you make sense of what you are struggling with and coach you step by step how to bring about lasting positive changes in your life. Whether you seek more self esteem, manage your anger or anxiety, have better relationships, get rid of addictions, sense of joy & success in your life Imagine, if you had a Compassionate and skillful guide who could help you figure out how to navigate these intense uncomfortable feelings! Life would be so much more enjoyable when you can tap into your inner peace and calm. Call/Email us today. There is much Joy waiting for you once you come out of the emotional pain. Let us help you