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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Derby, CT

location-map Derby, CT | (203) 633 3894

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My experiences include working with survivors of domestic violence, extensive safety planning and facilitating domestic abuse support groups. I have an in depth knowledge of working with children, teens and their families within the school system that present with behavioral issues, trauma, anxiety, self- harming behaviors as well as other issues.Treatment approaches I use are eclectic and based on the needs of the client. Therapeutic approaches can include art therapy, creative writing, guided imagery, safety planning, talk therapy and recommended reading. As a licensed professional counselor, I provide individual, group and family counseling for children, teens and adults. My professional specialties include domestic abuse, trauma, loss/grieving, self-harming behaviors, LGBT and behavioral issues. I hold certifications in school counseling, art education, as well as a specialized training as a domestic violence counselor through the CCADV. I believe that individuals have the strength deep within to overcome personal challenges and achieve their goals. We will work together to uncover your inner strengths so that you are on your way to living a happy and fulfilling life.