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Today is March 31, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Enfield, CT
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English | Tiếng Việt Are you feeling stuck, isolated, or just overwhelmed by life? You are here, so you have already taken the first important step. I welcome the opportunity to help you make the right adjustments to improve your quality of life. With a non-judgmental approach, I will listen and guide you toward accessing your internal strengths, to help weather your life's storm. Let's work together to create a path that will lead you to greater self-awareness and a better you. View 13 Photos As a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker, I'm trained to work with all populations in the state of MA and CT using a strength-based approach to help you overcome your own mental health and emotional struggles. I will tailor my evidence-based practices to meet your needs. Counseling can help with providing tools to support empowerment through learning about oneself, working through the past, present pain, and identify effective communication skills. I will create a nurture and confidential environment for you to explore and work through your troubled feelings. I look forward to joining you on your New Path.

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I love to support people who see themselves as a spiritual being having a human experience. Any settling for less in your life is just a mirror for issues of self-worth. I will assist you in releasing any past trauma which often results in negative beliefs. I use trauma release techniques such as EMDR and EFT. I believe that everyone comes gifted with their own intuitive pathways. I will reinforce your understanding of your own inner truth. You are meant to enjoy the journey of life! I will help you to find greater happiness by having a discipline of positive believing, centering mindfulness practices and action goals. My specialty is intuitive development, desensitizing negative beliefs that came from life's challenges/traumas and teaching positive psychology approaches. I utilize EMDR, EFT, Mindfulness, and IMAGO based couples therapy. I use my clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient skills to validate your own intuitive knowing. You came to learn lessons of self-worth, to fulfill your unique purpose but more importantly to live in this creative moment. I support you in moving from powerlessness to empowerment by metabolizing life's learning, using your intuitive pathways and strengthening your connection to your Divine Self/Source.

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