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Today is March 31, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 4 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Madison, CT
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As a licensed clinical therapist and masters level recreational specialist, my expertise in psychotherapy has been built over the course of two decades working with adolescents, adults, and families. Whether supporting adolescents as they undergo a difficult life transition or mediating conflict among adults and families, my services are designed to help individuals navigate the complexities that often come with an array of emotions and challenging life situations. I've diversified my professional experience through work in a variety of mental health treatment facilities, hospital psychiatric units and recently as Associate Director at a premier residential treatment center. This multi-faceted background has provided me with a unique perspective and clinical sophistication which permeate my practice. As a clinician, I specialize in relational psychology, life crises, and proactive management of stress, anxiety, anger, and other clinically complex issues. I employ a practical, direct, and supportive approach. I value humor, courage in all forms, and open-mindedness as I collaborate with clients to improve their lives.

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Trained in short and long-term therapy, I am flexible with your goals. I help people find new solutions to on-going problems in relationships, in work, or creativity, and in navigating life transitions. My ideal client is a person who is open to change and is willing to confront what hasn't been working so that life can improve. Times of transition often teach us the most, including times of painful change. I work to help others imagine a future that makes sense. I work with adults of all ages, and I can be flexible with scheduling and fees. Note: I practice in two locations - NYC & Madison CT. We can't change what we don't know. People experience stress, anxiety and depression not knowing exactly what's causing the problem. My goal is to help uncover the depth of "why". With better understanding, we can make changes in negative patterns, increase self-awareness, improve relationships, and open up life choices, and the full potential for living. I suggest a first appointment to discuss your needs and concerns and to decide if we are a "good fit". Choosing a therapist is the first important task and can be challenging. It is usually a good idea to see at least two different professionals before you choose who you will work with. The therapy relationship will be an important part of your treatment.

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For the last 12 years I've enjoyed working in the non-profit sector helping people from various backgrounds. My therapy style is non-judgmental and relaxed in which I try to meet people where they are at. I help people address a number of concerns ranging from enhancing their self-esteem and coping skills to treating Trauma, Anxiety, Grief, and severe Depression. I'm experienced with helping adults communicate with other generations within their family and gaining healthier relationships. Over the years I've also fostered skills designed for helping men and women address a variety of challenges. I practice a very effective therapy called Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART). ART is short in duration and is used to treat trauma, anxiety, depression, and a variety of other psychological conditions. ART uses eye movements to help people see troubling memories in a more healthy and adaptive way. I also practice a combination of Solution Focused Brief Therapy and Motivational Interviewing to help people feel validated about their strengths and accomplishments. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. I look forward to speaking with you.

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Intimate relationships are fluid and complex. Conflict does not mean you are incompatible. It is a signal that you should start paying attention to the relationship. Problems do not magically go away! Conflict in a relationship can feel like a crisis, but it is also an opportunity for growth and change. It takes courage to "stand up" and work hard on a relationship. Really facing what is in front of you, no longer living with pain, or loneliness, is challenging. After 40 years experience I can use my skills and knowledge to help shift the dynamic and allow you to move forward as a couple. Relationship therapy is an opportunity to end unproductive ways of relating and to invigorate your sexual relationship. You learn to take responsibility for your actions/reactions. Both people have the opportunity to create a relationship of REAL intimacy. Age, gender, or duration of the relationship is irrelevant, change can occur at any stage of development. Couples therapy is a highly specialized discipline. You would go to a heart specialist for a cardiac problem and not to a dermatologist. Pick someone to treat your relationship with care and research.A couples therapist should have specific relationship training and extensive experience working with couples. I bring that to the therapy experience.

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