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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Middlebury, CT

location-map Middlebury, CT | (203) 463 4721

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I help clients make informed decisions regarding risks and rewards of weight loss surgery. During counseling sessions,we will discuss such topics as the importance of making lifestyle changes pre and post bariatric surgery, and explore potential obstacles that may stand in the way of achieving a successful surgery and/or long-term weight loss.Surgery is no guarantee of sustained weight loss. It is critical to have realistic goals and expectations. I can help you establish a positive relationship with food and eating as well as develop a plan to reach your goal of long-term weight loss. As a Social Worker and also having had Bariatric surgery and maintaining a significant weight loss over the years, I have a personal understanding of this surgery and lifestyle changes associated with it. We can work together to ensure success! I believe in a holistic approach. We need to fully gain an understanding of all the factors that may be influencing weight gain or preventing weight loss.

location-map Middlebury, CT | (203) 456 2179

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Whether you are struggling with a particular issue, or just can't shake the feeling that there should be more to life, I can help. I provide a caring environment in which you can identify and explore those issues that may be getting in the way of a more rewarding home life and career, or of more fulfilling relationships. The goal is to help provide you with the insights and tools you need to move beyond old, limiting beliefs and behaviors. For the last 15 years, I have helped people like you successfully address a wide variety of issues related to home and family through family, couples, and individual therapy (including children, adolescents, and adults). Specific areas of focus include: Communication, Depression, Grief and Loss, Mood and Anxiety, Relationship Connection, Self-Esteem and Stress Management. Our practice offers flexible scheduling, which includes evenings and Saturdays. We accept most major insurances, and our office is handicap accessible.

location-map Middlebury, CT | (860) 218 9170

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As an obesity expert, I specialize in weight loss by uncovering and correcting the psychological and emotional overeating triggers and bad habits that contributed to your overweight state in the first place. [Go to and listen to an interview on CT Public Radio with Faith Middleton "The Psychology of Weight Loss".] I also specialize in providing scientific solutions to clients who have slow metabolism or a hard time losing weight due to menopausal or post-menopausal hormonal fluctuations. This year Paul Lessack Ph.D. was selected by Hartford Courant/CT Now magazine as the best weight loss health professional in Connecticut with the best weight loss program in Connecticut. This award is based on information from referring physicians, his colleagues and former patients. Listed in a Connecticut Magazine article titled "The Best Way to Lose Weight". Received the prestigious 2013 National Middlebury Award as having the best weight control program in the country. Hold an A+ rating with CT BBB for over 20 years.Outstanding Young Man in America award for pionerring this effective therapy for weight loss.