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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Monroe, CT

location-map Monroe, CT | (203) 633 7163

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Do you feel let down by life? Maybe you are just struggling to keep it all together. We all have the innate ability to heal and we deserve to be happy, healthy and enjoy the little things again. Linda graduated from Fairfield University in 2012 with her masters degree in Counseling. She has a natural health and wellness perspective and is a Licensed Professional Counselor with over a decade of experience. She is a member of Chi Sigma Iota, the counseling academic and professional honor society, the American Psychological Association, and the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing International Association (EMDRIA). Linda specializes in treating anxiety, panic disorder, traumatic experiences, grief, loss, & depression in adults and adolescents. She offers a holistic, client centered, solution focused approach to life’s stressors including EMDR, Flash technique, life coaching, stress management, thought modification, mindfulness and relaxation, and career counseling. Linda's goal is to create a therapeutic partnership that will foster positive change and growth within her clients. Having experienced loss and trauma in her own personal life, Linda can help you learn effective techniques for coping and moving past these situations in ways that will promote healing, wellbeing, and happiness. Reach out today.