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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Plainfield, CT
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Plainfield, CT | (860) 467 0631
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I have my Master's Degree in Social Work and I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). My clinical work experience includes individual assessments, individual, couples, and family counseling. I work with adults ages 21 & older. I specialize in spirituality, domestic violence, PTSD, trauma, anxiety, depression, grief, couples/family counseling, and high conflict parenting. I also offer K-9 assisted therapy. My dog, Brody, has been professionally trained as a therapy dog. This is an option, not a requirement, for any client who is interested. We all need support and guidance from time to time due to things that happen in our lives. While it may be difficult to reach out and ask for help, professional counseling will begin your journey towards healing. Regardless of the pain that you carry, the secrets that you keep, or whatever your struggles may be; you are welcome here. My clinical experience combined with my spiritual nature provides an atmosphere that assists each client on his/her journey to healing and wellness. Through creating a warm and supportive environment, individuals can process whatever their struggles may be and begin to restore a balance within themselves.
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