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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Redding, CT

location-map Redding, CT | (646) 490 0406

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I am a therapist, writer, and scholar with more than twenty years of experience in psychotherapy. I specialize in trauma and loss, helping individuals like you heal using a combination of talk therapy, EMDR, hypnosis, CBT and therapeutic dream work. I use humor as a healing tool, in addition to therapy methods that we’ll choose together to ensure they’re right for you. I’ll guide you along your journey, help you better understand your experience and provide you with tools that you can use on your own to continue to heal. Your healing journey is unique to you—there’s no strict schedule or timeline to follow. In my free time, I enjoy the vitality and beauty of nature, practicing yoga and meditation, soothing my soul with good humor and spending quality time with friends and family. I find deep joy in connecting with others. Carrying the weight of past experiences or loss can be heavy and overwhelming. Together we can lighten the load and guide you back to your best self. For more information on what to expect, please visit my website.