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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Stonington, CT

location-map Stonington, CT | (860) 431 3918

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If you are struggling with Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Trauma, you’ve come to the right plan. At our center, we understand the frustration of feeling like you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked. Our evidence-based approaches which include Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT), EMDR, Expressive Arts Therapy, Mindfulness, and CBT, are designed to help your mind and body heal, enabling you to live the fulfilling life you deserve. Take a deep breath…it’s ok to have hope in healing Jenna T. Cohen is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified EMDR therapist, trained Pain Reprocessing Therapist, and Certified Perinatal Mental Health Counselor (PMH-C) with additional training in Expressive Arts Therapy and EMDR with Yoga and movement. Jenna will work with you to create your individualized treatment plan At Blue Whale Counseling, we believe that all healing starts from a place of compassion and that every person has the innate ability to heal. We offer weekly therapy sessions as well as EMDR intensives. To learn more, please reach out and get in touch!

location-map Stonington, CT

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I am passionate about providing education and empowerment around the mind-body connection. We learn to understand how the mind and body may be in survival mode and how a learned response may no longer serve us. Holding space allows for the body and mind to create space from imprinted thoughts & emotions in order to see choice in self-talk, belief systems, behaviors, and gain acceptance of ourselves. We learn how to rewire/rewrite our narrative through self-compassion. My goal is to empower individuals in recognizing their choices during moments when the body and mind are stuck in fear. Through trauma focused and chronic stress modalities, we process past and present stuck imprints to bring the body and mind back to a balanced state. I believe integrating the holistic and medical models for treatment as well as therapy being an active process. I am here to reflect and support while clients understand their needs and what is best for them. I believe laughter is a wonderful medicine while we sift through and unravel past conditioning. I refer out for sexual assault, DV, and court cases.