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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Vernon, CT
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Immediate and same-day appointments. Accepting Husky. Virtual or office available 7 days a week (morning/evening). Multiple specialties including CBT, DBT, Grief/Bereavement, Trauma, and Mediation. The practice offers experience in providing effective outpatient, individualized, psychological care and mediation counseling to a wide variety of circumstances and populations. We provide a neutral ground to individuals, families, and couples seeking to develop positive communication skills, conflict resolution and better satisfaction in personal relationships. Please visit our website for specific services at View 4 Photos Please contact the office to inquire about services such as mental health counseling, pre-trial counseling, divorce/life transitions, mediation, ADR, conflict resolution, relationship counseling, forensic assessments, risk assessments, crisis intervention, trauma, grief/loss, & critical incident debriefing (community, corporate, school based or individual). We are committed to working with you thru every step of your life circumstance. Allow us to help you develop meaning & insight into your past, learn practical skills to healing, and develop a plan to create the life you have always desired. Let us help you identify the problem, explore options, and develop a strategy to reach resolution quickly.
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