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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Wethersfield, CT

location-map Wethersfield, CT | (860) 615 5723

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In the eternal words of Mahatma Gandi "the future depends on what we do in the present." If you are viewing this profile then you are probably looking for some insight and/or strategy to help you make some positive change in your life. Whether you are striving towards obtaining some goal(s) or trying to resolve emotional pain or stress, psychotherapy can help you feel better today and positively shape your future. An essential component in the success of therapy is having a good fit between patient and therapist. Additionally, the training, and expertise of the therapist matters greatly. View 7 Photos At my practice, Psychological Health & Development Associates, LLC, we have three Licensed Psychologists and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Each provider has over 20 years in the field. We have a wealth of experience helping people identify and resolve challenges and conflicts to improve the way you are thinking and feeling about yourself and your world. We provide a highly personalized approach in this vast world of the impersonal "healthcare market place." Please visit our website which has detailed information to help you determine if we are the right fit for you. We want to help you shape your future the way you desire.

location-map Wethersfield, CT | (860) 390 4907

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Are you ready to show up as your true authentic self? If so, it’s time to take back control and release your stress, worry, anxiety and fears. Let me provide you with the supports, resources and tools needed to take back your happiness and joy. I personally know the feeling and understand you may feel anxious and scared of the unknown, but guess what? I'm here to assist you every step of the way. Here at Journey to Success, I offer a nurturing, safe, nonjudgmental, and welcoming space. You will feel comfortable being your true and genuine self without feeling guilty of who you are. With the right supports in place, living a life full of joy and peace is possible. This is a place of RELEASE! Let’s work to let the things you cannot control, GO! I am a culturally responsive, trauma-informed counselor that utilizes individualized, person-centered, evidenced, and strengths-based approaches. I aim to make this journey a great experience free of judgment and filled with honesty, transparency and love. Let me help you discover your purpose and gain back your peace and happiness!

location-map Wethersfield, CT | (860) 809 4532

Accepting New Clients

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Find Your Way to a Meaningful Life: At Purpose Path Counseling Services, we believe everyone can have a happy and purposeful life. In order to help you on your path to self-acknowledgment, personal development, and general well-being, we are here for you as a devoted and qualified counselor. It's a profoundly changing experience to find meaning and purpose in your own life. Since everyone has a different path, our strategy is customized to fit your needs and objectives. We are dedicated to supporting you along the journey, no matter what obstacles you face, your personal growth goals, or your desire for more fulfillment. View 4 Photos At Purpose Path Counseling Services, you will connect with a trained Licensed Professional Counselor that is able to provide both Counseling and Psychotherapy services, interchangeably, receiving individualized treatment that best meets your needs.