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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Greenville, DE

location-map Greenville, DE | (302) 581 9564

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UPDATE: Due to COVID-19 all sessions are now being done via As a Child Psychotherapist, I specialize in the treatment of children ages 3 -14. If your child is exhibiting behaviors that are of concern to you as a parent, play therapy may be highly beneficial. If your child is showing signs of anger, anxiety or a change in behavior, play therapy can make a difference. I treat a wide range of issues in a child friendly and non-invasive yet effective manner. I have successfully treated children with ADHD, anxiety, Asperger's, Bi-polar,Tourette's, PDD, Trauma, Adjustment Disorder, Sensory Integration. I treat children that don't want to talk about it. I incorporate the use of play, drama, or art techniques into the work. All sessions are "client-centered" meaning that the child leads the way to finding resolution to his/her inner conflicts. This leads to the child gaining mastery of their world. I am a Child Psychotherapist specializing in drama and play therapy with 26 years of clinical experience. Children are able to work through any issues or problems by projecting their thoughts into their play. Children can show marked improvement in their daily lives through the natural strength of play therapy.

location-map Greenville, DE | (302) 300 4815

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I enjoy working with teens, adults of all ages, and couples who experience anxiety, depression, eating disorders, grief, identity issues, impulsivity, life transition, panic, perfectionism, self compassion concerns, sensory issues, stress and/or trauma. My ideal client is open to pushing themselves past their comfort zone to take their lives from being comfortably numb to flourishing. My ideal client is ready to do the work necessary to improve their lives and expect positive results that come from doing introspective work. My Mission is to help my clients reach their fullest potential and become the best people they can be. Specialties: Assertiveness training; Building self compassion; Improving concentration; Increasing motivation; Improving Self and Others Awareness; Life transitions (i.e. bereavement, loss of employment, new job, new school, newly married or divorced, etc.); Mindfulness, relaxation, movement and breathing techniques; Replacing negative patterns with positive patterns; Social skills training; Stress and anxiety reduction; Sustainable Happiness; Time management I graduated from an 11 month certification program in Positive Psychology in March 2014. I am also a Registered Yoga Teacher. Clients can expect to feel excited and motivated about changing any negative patterns they identify in their lives into learning experiences, and creating new ways to change these encounters into more positive life experiences.