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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Millsboro, DE

location-map Millsboro, DE | (302) 754 3273

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Are you struggling with a weight issue, lack of self-esteem, PTSD, depression, insomnia or anxiety? As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Hypnotherapist, Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping), and Mindfulness Practitioner, I can teach you how to use mind-body-energy techniques to alter your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and body’s physiology to aid in your healing. Under the right conditions the human body is designed to heal itself. During therapy sessions, I teach therapy techniques including CBT, EFT & NLP to help you tap into your inner Resources to aids in your health and wellness. View 5 Photos I specialize in trauma, insomnia relief, weight loss, depression and anxiety treatment. I use mind-body- energy therapies like mindfulness, hypnosis, EFT ( tapping), CBT, transactional analysis, motivational enhancement therapy, NLP, ACT and HeartMath Heart Rate Variability & Biofeedback to help you make changes to transform your life. I became interested in mind-body energy therapies like hypnosis and EFT (Tapping) after working for years in traditional behavioral healthcare settings where I witnessed slow to no changes with those receiving mental health and substance use disorders treatment. With mind-body-energy techniques, I now see positive outcomes in the lives of my clients.

location-map Millsboro, DE | (908) 718 1182

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Are you navigating through life transitions: new career, empty nest, divorce, change in health or the loss of a loved one? Want to resolve marital conflict and gain new parenting approaches? Or manage life challenges including toxic relationships or work environments and race-based trauma? I specialize in life transitions, grief/loss, marital/couples' conflict, anger management and trauma. I am licensed in New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware. Your solution to your peace and joy lies within you. If you commit to doing the work, I can help you get to the best you. As an active listener, trained in various therapeutic techniques, I provide clients with tools to resolve and manage their needs. I look forward to guiding you through your healing journey!