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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Atlantis, FL

location-map Atlantis, FL | (973) 949 7017

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Sometimes in life we need a professional life coach to talk to who can help us move forward in a positive direction. I’ve been a certified Law of Attraction life coach for 12 years. If you're not familiar with the Law of Attraction, that's ok. I help people feel happier, less stressed, manifest what they want, become more positive, and ultimately become the best version of themselves. What you learn from coaching you'll take with you for the rest of your life because it's that helpful.d Coaching sessions last about an hour and are held over the phone so it doesn't matter where you live. With this type of coaching you'll take more control of how you feel and you'll experience each day in a more positive way. Be prepared to take notes and practice what we talk about between coaching calls. I care about you and want you to live your best life. However, you have to take the first step and contact me today so we can get started! I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Coaching calls are confidential and a safe place to talk about all areas of your life.