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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Brandon, FL

location-map Brandon, FL | (813) 576 2831

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If you're reading this, then the path to healing has begun. I would like to help you work through this journey by providing a safe space where you can express yourself without judgment. Our ability to communicate is one of our biggest challenges within our relationships. Are you having trouble getting along with those around you? Do you feel unheard or misunderstood? If you've answered YES, I'd like to give you the opportunity to explore this in a way which will allow you to feel heard and understood. Effective discussions are important, but so is positive self-talk. Is your self-esteem allowing you to be the best version of you? If you're still reading to this point, again, the path to healing has begun and I would like to join you on your journey. My areas of interest include anxiety, depression, and LGBTQ+ community issues. I work with children, teens, adult and geriatric populations by providing individual, couples, family & group therapy sessions. Offering a safe space in which you can disclose your concerns is my biggest priority when working with clients. I use a person centered approach in which you will be able to express yourself without judgment or resistance. Allow me to help guide you through this often difficult journey we call "life".

location-map Brandon, FL | (813) 547 6356

Accepting New Clients

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Marcus specializes in working with adolescents, adults, and couples who are trying to get things on track. My priority is to relate and put my clients in a nurturing environment to grow. With couples I'm neutral reframing from shaming or judging. My background is in EMS working alongside law enforcement, nurses and doctors, military, and firefighters. I’m empathetic towards individuals frequently in high stress situations. It does not matter how good of therapist I think I am, if my clients aren't benefiting from my services. Morning and afternoon virtual appointments can usually be accommodated within 72 hours. You are not alone! Building trust with your counselor is essential to counseling being successful. Please don't be ashamed of any your feelings and desire, I can help you process these thoughts. I offer an environment where clients’s can chill and be free. Teenagers feel I am understanding of their lifestyle; while parents trust their child is a non bias nurturing environment. Do not feel embarrassed because you or your family is struggle. When helping couples I don’t take sides or put anyone down, I help partners gain perspective. Individuals, couples, or families can benefit from my counseling services but its safe and motivating. My goal is to help my client's live their truth and find acceptance within themselves.