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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hollywood, FL

location-map Hollywood, FL | (786) 471 2423

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TELE-THERAPY FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME! Depression, anxiety, mood swings, and stress are some of the symptoms that can be the most troublesome. I will provide you with a complete evaluation, lab work if needed, and together we can decide your course of treatment. I believe that no one should ever suffer alone. Your symptoms can be treated effectively with psychotherapy and medications if you desire. Healing is a process, your questions will be answered, and solutions will be found. As a NP in in psychiatry, my practice and my availability are more on a televideo basis.. My appointments are limited to a few in person sessions, but more frequent televideo one to one sessions from the privacy of your home to my private office or Telephone Sessions Services- Psychiatric Evaluations, Medication Management and Psychotherapy In my private practice, I am able to diagnose my patient's medical and psychological problems. Individual needs are addressed, & a treatment plan is agreed upon by the patient and myself. I approach each person from a holistic perspective, physical, psychological, and spiritual state of health and well being.