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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Miramar, FL

location-map Miramar, FL | (954) 231 1945

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Congratulations to YOU!! You deserve to be happy and since you've landed yourself here that means you've decided to work on making some changes in your life. As we flow through this journey of Life it is guaranteed to bring us joy and pain no matter who you are or your place in life. It is through these experiences, both good and bad that we learn to successfully navigate this thing called "LIFE". While I believe that all individuals are capable of self-love and self-healing, I also believe that we all need a little help finding our way at times. Let me help you overcome the challenges that you are facing today. I Believe in You!! I specialize in helping teens and adults presenting with depression, anxiety, anger issues, relationship issues, oppositional behavior, and grief issues. I also teach parents effective parenting skills. In addition, I coach women through difficult transitions in life by promoting drive, enhancing self-worth by identifying with and using their inner strength. My background in the Mental Health field is extensive as I have been serving individuals, youth and families in the field of Social Work for over 29 years, 23 of these years as a Clinical Therapist. My experience, skills and knowledge helps me to assist clients with bringing balance to their challenging and complex situations in life by embracing self-love.