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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Brunswick, GA

location-map Brunswick, GA | (912) 470 6580

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I am a clinical psychologist with a background in philosophy, who enjoys helping people untie the mental and emotional knots that have held them back. Much of my work involves properly identifying the problems-in-living with which my clients are struggling and eliciting their latent skills and creative resources to overcome those problems. That is, before one can properly get anywhere therapeutically, one must answer the question, “What makes the ‘problem’ a problem at this time, in this way, for this particular person?” I collaborate with my clients in finding and building better ways of living, tailored to their unique circumstances. I guide them to unburden themselves of core relational conflicts and relinquish maladaptive ways of thinking and coping (rumination, avoidance, etc). My work is theoretically guided and empirically informed. I also provide psychological evaluation for adults and children for ADHD, autism, executive functioning problems, emotional and personality disorders, and neurodevelopmental issues. I work with a growing number of creative professionals, people involved in the arts, film, media, entrepreneurial businesses, and education. I own The Eupatheia Center.

location-map Brunswick, GA | (127) 334 1511

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Working with us you'll get results. Because we believe you're best served by a clinician who's passionate about not only their work, but who they work with as well. That's why we started Lifebulb - We're committed to building an organization that truly allows therapists to get back to enjoying their work, so you, our client, can receive the highest quality therapy services, whether in person at one of our locations or online through telehealth. We hire only highly trained and educated, licensed clinicians dedicated to the therapy process. We're confident we can help you achieve your therapy goals. We believe getting access to therapy should be quick and easy. So our process is simple. Just visit our website to schedule a virtual or in-person session online. Or call us, and a team member can match you with the best counselor for you. Whether online or offline therapy, we’ll help you with an individualized treatment plan to for your specific goals. We believe in creating a world where your every interaction with another leaves you both a bit brighter. Call us today to get started. We'll find the best therapist for you and your unique goals!