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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cartersville, GA

location-map Cartersville, GA | (404) 689 9129

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I help women who've left painful or abusive relationships let go of shame & self-doubt so they can heal, find their voice and grow in self-confidence. I know what it's like to feel compelled to sacrifice boundaries & self-identity to adapt to unhealthy relationships or family dynamics. I can help you learn the skills and tools needed to leave behind the never-ending cycle of rock bottom and get out of 'survival mode'. Recognizing manipulation becomes easier when you understand the tactics used to side-step your boundaries. I will guide you in reconnecting to your self-trust so you can attract the relationships you deserve. My background includes rape crisis, domestic violence and grief work. I'm a personal trainer & wellness coach. My style is compassion focused & trauma informed. I have an open, empathic & curious nature. I'm passionate about helping you identify & understand any patterns of sabotage so that you can learn how to take better care of yourself. I believe each woman has her own answers & inner wisdom. I will help you recognize and reconnect to yours. We work towards your goals in a way that feels safe to you. Both my personal and professional experience informs my work with clients. Healing occurs in authentic connections with others. You are not alone on this journey.