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Today is March 31, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Chamblee, GA
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I primarily work with young adults, to early 30s. My work with clients focuses on self discovery; exploring parts, sides, and aspects of Self they have never met before. Our work together is centered around embodiment and connection with the most authentic and genuine Capital-S Self. I work from a mixture of lenses, including systemic and holistic; understanding that every struggle an individual faces does not exist in a vacuum outside of oppressive and controlling systems. Sometimes work with me is deconstructing how these systems have defined and categorized you: who are you in spite of these systems? View 4 Photos My work with clients focuses primarily on somatic and body-based work; with a primary focus on living fully presently as ones most authentic Self. In the therapeutic space I work hard to create a space where clients feel safe, grounded, and cared for so they can move through the hard things in and outside of therapy. I am under supervision with Nick Marzo (MS LPC, LMHC, CPCS, ACS, CST, NCC, CCMHC) (GA 704), and pre-licensed, expected APC 2023.

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Therapy is the opposite of small talk– it’s going deep and looking at what we really, truly feel and think. Even when those feelings or thoughts seem wrong, embarrassing, or bad. It’s actually not ever wrong to have a thought or feeling. Shaming ourselves for what emerges within keeps us disconnected from ourselves. In therapy, you gradually strengthen your connection, your attachment, to yourself. And the best way of doing that is to start paying attention to what is happening inside of you with compassion instead of judgment. Building self-compassion is what allows us to evolve and grow in a healthy way. View 4 Photos Chances are, you are here because you’re interested in growth– growing beyond who you have been and toward who you hope to become. I'd love to support you in that journey. Also- deep doesn't mean humorless. In good therapy, you laugh and you cry. Maybe even at the same time! I am a warm, engaged, and knowledgeable therapist who can help you explore your emotional landscape and understand the unconscious drivers of your behavior. Email me to take the next step or book your first appointment on my website today.

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