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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Douglasville, GA

location-map Douglasville, GA | (678) 944 9186

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Wherever you’ve been, however you’ve arrived, I’m glad you are here. To me, therapy is about taking time and space to listen to our bodies and emotions, with the hope of allowing us to reconnect with our inherent wisdom. We don't lose touch with this wisdom by accident. Trauma, unhealed wounds, and oppression separate us from our wisdom and intuition, and impact our ability to access all parts of ourselves. You and your body carry so much, from the grief and resilience of those who came before you, to the stress of everyday life. You were never meant to carry it all on your own. I approach therapy from a relational psychodynamic and attachment-based framework, with strong influences from intersectional feminism and trauma-informed care practices. I also believe that our individual health cannot be disentangled from our collective wellbeing and therapy is only one of many paths towards healing. I aim to hold space for the complexities of your story and navigate a path to understanding these experiences and their impact. In doing so, I hope to support you in feeling a greater sense of freedom and agency in the world.