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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Fayetteville, GA

location-map Fayetteville, GA | (470) 999 7411

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Dr. Shirly Barthelemy, clinical director of Carpe Diem Behavioral Health, is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst with a Doctorate degree in Clinical Neuropsychology and Behavior Analysis. She has over 12 years of experience providing individual therapy, psychological assessments, cognitive rehabilitation, group therapy, parent coaching and family support. Her areas of expertise are neuropsychological testing (i.e., Stroke, TBI, learning disabilities, neurodevelopmental disabilities, personality disorders, neurological disorders, comorbid disorders, applied and clinical behavior Analysis (ABA), and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). ABA services are provided from Carpe Diem Behavioral Health. CDBH are teachers, clinicians, parents, advocates, trainers, facilitators, educators, counselors, care providers, therapists, psychologists. We have professionals here to help. Our bilingual staff are fully trained and we share a passion and dedication for the field of behavioral and mental health. Children, adolescents and adults often encounter emotional and behavioral obstacles in life. These challenges impact us directly but may extend into our overall functioning. The great news is there are many evidence based tools and strategies to help us overcome these challenges. Finding the right help is the first step-call now.

location-map Fayetteville, GA | (470) 516 9097

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Have you ever felt like no one understands you, have you ever felt alone even when you're surrounded by people, do you feel like yesterday was a disaster and today needs to be better, do you feel like it has to be more than this? What about feelings of rejection or abandonment? Have you picked up eating as a coping mechanism? Have you picked up sleeping longer, not motivated like you use to be? Then you are my ideal customer. View 6 Photos Accepting clients in Georgia, Florida, and now Texas. We offer services for Adjustment disorders, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Drug-Induced Mental Disorder, Eating Disorder, Emotional Disturbances of Childhood and Adolescence, Major Depression Disorder, Obsessive Compulsion Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Postpartum Depression. Accepting clients in Georgia, Florida and now Texas. Talkspace and Headway accounts for Texas insurance and Florida insurance