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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Macon, GA
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Life presents us with challenges that impact our mental and emotional well-being. Are you an athlete transitioning to the next level feeling anxious & overwhelmed? Former athlete struggling to find your identity outside of sports? Life recently turned upside down & you're having trouble getting back on track? Currently exploring your gender or sexuality? Are you experiencing an internal conflict with religion? These are some of the concerns potential clients come to me with. Those who find me to be a great fit tend to identify as: LGBTQ+, an athlete, Gen X, Millennial or Gen Z, who are seeking guidance through their unique journeys. I take a holistic approach looking at your individual needs, goals and strengths. I offer a safe & supportive space to explore the sources of your stress & trauma, develop coping & relaxation techniques. We'll work to process you're experiences, build resilience, reduce stressors & anxiety while navigating the pressures you're facing. Reclaim a sense of safety & empowerment over your life. Create balance, tranquility & control. Reach out today for a free consultation, I am here to support you on your journey towards mental, emotional & relational wellness.
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