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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Scottdale, GA

location-map Scottdale, GA | (770) 823 2563

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From 0 Reviews

Does the thought of continuing along the same path you are currently on seem exhausting? Are you feeling down, find yourself anxious, stressed about life, struggling with relationships, and maybe not even sure why? While we can’t go back and change the past, we can start today and make a new ending. Whether you are struggling with aspects of your personal life, or your career, we can work together to help you gain understanding, implement strategies & make better choices that impact your work & personal life. In addition to providing therapy, career counseling is a specialty in which I have a great deal of experience. If you are considering a career change or trying to navigate difficulties in your work environment, I can help you with developing a path to achieving your goals. I also work with teens on career counseling, to help them decide their 1st career path Whether you are seeking individual therapy, career counseling, or some combination, I encourage you to give me a call or send an email. We can set up a free consultation by phone to help you decide if working together would be helpful for your situation. One of the most important things to getting started is to find someone you are comfortable working with.

location-map Scottdale, GA | (404) 795 7507

Accepting New Clients

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You are smart and resourceful, but your emotional difficulties and insecurities have proven to be more stubborn than other problems you've faced. Despite learning a lot about yourself through self-inquiry, reading, and prior experiences with therapy, you have once again come to the point of feeling stuck. You may feel like you are falling short of your potential. You may be exhausted yet too stressed out to rest. You may be too burnt out to work - almost as if you are broken. You may be experiencing intense feelings without obvious cause. Or maybe your relationship or parenting situation is so high-conflict that you feel hopeless. If this sounds like you, I can help. I specialize in helping smart and successful people address long-standing insecurities and current emotional challenges. My style is active, warm, and insight-oriented, and a collaborative and comfortable relationship will be the foundation of our work together. Reaching out to begin therapy can be hard, and I have tremendous respect for the courage it takes to get to this point you are at now. If you are ready or want to learn more, drop me a note or give me a call for a free consultation. My website has some additional information if you'd like to learn more first. I look forward to hearing from you.