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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Statesboro, GA

location-map Statesboro, GA | (854) 888 9694

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I believe each person has inherent value; my goal is to encourage individuals to see their worth and facilitate them in making decisions they can reflect on with peace. Life is stressful at times, and we can all use a safe place to receive support and feedback. Counseling can help develop coping skills to better manage emotions of depression, anxiety, grief or stress; to improve communication between loved ones; and support individuals adjusting to major life transitions. I have a person-centered approach and often use strategies from CBT and TBRI to help client's meet their goals. I spent four years in college counseling centers, and I love working with young adults as they make major career/relationship choices. I'm also passionate about helping foster, adoptive, and multiracial families build a home environment of safety through a trauma-informed lens, and I often work with women's issues including infertility and pregnancy. I'm offering talk therapy to adults and older adolescents (15+). I can also provide counseling/coaching to caregivers of children 0-3 who need support parenting trauma behaviors. Faith-based counseling is available upon request. Please reach out if you think we may be a good fit! I'm happy to answer any questions.