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Today is March 29, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 4 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Suwanee, GA

location-map Suwanee, GA | (678) 971 0176

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I work diligently to provide a safe place for individuals and couples seeking to address issues such as relationship dysfunction, depression, anxiety, addiction, codependency, and trauma, especially where these issues negatively impact a client's ability to maintain a sense of reverence for self or connection and intimacy with others. I discover with each client his or her strengths and ways to utilize these strengths to facilitate growth and healing. I combine a knowledge of psychotherapeutic strategies for healing with spiritual principles to weave a pathway for growth and healing for each precious soul. I am a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist and have expertise working with individuals struggling with sex addiction and their partners. I have training as a PIT therapist and have expertise working with codependency issues. I have training and expertise in Prolonged Exposure, EMDR, and Somatic Experiencing trauma therapies and facilitate the healing of traumatic memories. At Inspire Hope Counseling, each individual is welcomed into a nurturing, nonjudgmental, accepting environment and has plenty of space to discover self, to process painful or traumatic memories, and to build and practice intimacy skills. Please call now and discover how to be more effective in relationships and in life.

location-map Suwanee, GA | (678) 364 7346

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I help highly intelligent over-achievers trade anxiety for confidence without feeling like a failure. My clients struggle like you do. Despite being smart, successful, and funnier than a viral meme, life is hard. When they first come in, they feel trapped by their image. They like being thought of as organized and successful, but inside they feel a total fake. When they stop to think about it, they realize they don't even feel like themselves anymore... it's like they've morphed into what other people expect them to be. Their greatest fear is people seeing the real person behind their mask and rejecting them. View 10 Photos If you're dealing with complex stuff, like overlapping mental health symptoms and difficult life experiences, and self-sabotaging patterns, I can help. I approach complex trauma and anxiety with a relational mindset and use a mix of talk therapy, EMDR, and yoga counseling (depending on your preferences). LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent affirming I get it. It sucks to feel stuck. I see you over-thinking everything, beating yourself up, and feeling soooooo drained. You deserve to relax and enjoy life, meaningful relationships are not out of your reach, and feeling good in your body isn't unrealistic. You deserve to feel confident in who you are.

location-map Suwanee, GA | (470) 410 6107

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I am a licensed Clinical social worker(LCSW) with specialized training in mental health. I have various experiences as a clinician working with people with serious mental illness(SMI) to Co-occurring disorders. I also have experience with people with mood disorders and personality disorders. My clinical and research interests are 1) how culture plays a role in one’s life, 2) how to reconstruct relationships through reconstructing one’s unresolved trauma, and 3) strengthen one’s resilience to cope with life difficulties. Lately, I've been focused on assisting second-generation immigrant teens and adults in developing a strong sense of self and bridging the cultural divide with their first-generation immigrant parents. ● Relationship problems ● Parenting Problems ● Serious mental illness ● Mood disorder ● Personality disorders ● Complicated trauma ● Self-esteem ​안녕하세요! 심리상담사 앨리 정입니다.유학생으로, 그리고 지금은 미국 사회에서 자리를 잡은 이민자로서 한인 가정을 돕다보니 많은 분들이 여러가지 문제를 가족내에서만 그리고 가족구성원 안에서만 해결하시려는 모습을 많이 봤습니다. 안타깝게도 어떤 문제들은 개개인의 노력많으로는 해결되지 안을때가있습니다. 그런 분들을 위해 제가 곁에서 가족같은 마음으로 성심껏​여러분의 어려움을 도와드리겠습니다.​

location-map Suwanee, GA

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I am inspired working with clients who are committed to bettering their mental health and to personal growth, even if feeling stuck. What happens to an individual rarely happens within a vacuum, and a more complete context provides better understanding of how we grow, develop, suffer and change. During moments when hopefulness is dim, we need someone to hear us, to see us, and to believe in us. Each of us is capable of living lives of significance when we embody a true sense of hopefulness. Living a life of significance is a personal and humbling journey marked by having the courage to face our fears, listen clearly, and understand. I approach counseling from an Ecological Perspective: considering the full context of each individual’s life and the transactions that take place between the individual and their environment. I aspire to positively affect others so that they may develop their own personal vision that encompasses hope, joy, emotional awareness and intentional fulfillment. Having worked with clients throughout the spectrum of life, from ages 3 through the twilight of life, I value the diversity of struggles and strengths that clients bring to the work of therapy and coaching through their unique life experiences. I can't wait to join your journey towards Optimal Growth!