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Today is December 22, 2024
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hagatna, GU
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I do online therapy or personal and life coaching for people who want the comfort of flexibility, home, work, car anywhere where you can gain online access and feel comfortable in a confidential environment. Online is a wonderful choice in that one can usually get a same day appointment, when they most need it. Give it a try and see how much better you will feel afterwards. There is genuine hope and clarity for those who reach out for guidance. Your best self, just lies a click away. I specialize in power struggles (control dramas) between husbands and wives, child and parent, supervisors and employees, siblings, teachers and students. Know how to communicate without constant drama but open honest dialogue. See your relationships grow because you know how to talk with one another. My gift I give to you is the art of verbal and nonverbal connectivity, loving yourself and another, intimacy and kindness
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