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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lahaina, HI

location-map Lahaina, HI | (808) 207 6343

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Do you struggle to feel seen or often feel alone? Do you have a longing to connect but struggle to feel it? If you want to navigate your symptoms of anxiety and depression or explore your relationship patterns, I encourage you to reach out today. Attachment trauma lives in emotional intimacy. We need a safe other to process tangled feelings of abandonment and other experiences. Therapy can uncouple the aloneness of your experiences to make way for deep transformation and connection. Through this process you will learn how to show up more fully in yourself and feel more confident in the world. As a holistic, trauma informed therapist, my priority is to hold space for the full human experience. I approach therapy with compassion, authenticity and curiosity. Together we will use a collaborative approach to gain new awareness that can be brought into your everyday experiences. Taking this step is an important decision, I commend you on being here. Reach out today to see how we might work together, I am happy to answer any questions you may have and excited to support you.

location-map Lahaina, HI | (808) 427 2205

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West Maui Counseling Center realizes the value of integrating principles found in the practice of medicine, mental health counseling, experiential education, alternative and complimentary wellness, and professional psychological services to promote the growth and development of happy, healthy, human beings. We have a passion for helping children, adolescents, adults, couples and families find new and innovative ways of relating to one another that promote positive change, emotional healing, and overall psychological and physical wellbeing. WMCC and Dr. Harnick value the treatment team approach. WMCC is a group practice comprised of Psychologists, Physicians, APRN-Rx's, LMFT's, and LCSW's: providing integrative health care; private mental health and medical services to the Maui community. For more information please visit us online at