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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Laie, HI

location-map Laie, HI

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Feeling in a rut like you cannot move forward from your past experiences? I am here to help you rediscover meaning and purpose within your life. My approach to psychotherapy begins with starting where you are in your journey. I use a variety of different trauma informed modalities and interventions to create a holistic and intuitive approach to healing. I provide an open and safe environment for you to share your stories, frustrations and worries. We will work through past experiences, help you move forward and heal while setting new goals and intentions to allow you to move safely and confidently into your future. I specialize in working with trauma, PTSD, anxiety and grief. My practice is inclusive of all genders, sexual orientations, religious or spiritual backgrounds and all other identities and life experiences. I believe in the power of acceptance, restitution, and continual improvement until we reach our highest form of self. Feel free to contact me to schedule a free consultation together. I would be honored to play a part in your journey towards healing and living a life full of purpose.