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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Carlinville, IL

location-map Carlinville, IL | (217) 837 9686

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When our lives become difficult, it can cause us to feel disconnected from those around us and our sense of being. We can feel alone and without power over our lives. When this happens, finding connection can be scary, but also as simple as reaching out. By working together, we can find the best way to overcome your personal circumstances and create a life that you can enjoy. As a social worker, I look at the whole person as they are within their environment. I believe that it isn’t only what happens to us, but also what is going on around us, that influences how we see ourselves. For the last ten years, I have worked with all ages that have experienced different traumas including abuse and neglect, domestic violence, and more. Our work together will help you to find your inner sense of peace and find a new sense of hope.