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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 1 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Collinsville, IL

location-map Collinsville, IL

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Welcome to Rennard Counseling & Consulting! Hi, I’m Dr. Courtney. For the past decade, I have helped folks like you notice and upgrade patterns in how they learn, work, and live. I specialize in providing outpatient mental healthcare for adults. Though I've treated a broad range of psychological concerns, my expertise is in the areas of men’s issues, race-based trauma, executive functioning and AD/HD, anxiety and depression, identity exploration, and career development. I value working with all clients and am particularly skilled in working with those who are highly-melanated, neurodivergent, and/or queer. At RCC, I provide mental health check-ups, evaluations, and individual psychotherapy. My clinical practices are evidence-based, trauma-informed, and tailored to address your unique needs. As a counseling provider, I aim to offer a space where you are free to be yourself. Past clients have described me as nonjudgemental, humorous, warm, intuitive, and frank. I know how hard it can be to ask for help – especially if you were raised not to. I encourage you to reach out to either begin or continue your mental health journey. Think of me as your partner in wellness. We'll laugh, cry, and reflect deeply together. A more satisfying life is waiting for you.

location-map Collinsville, IL

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location-map Collinsville, IL | (618) 205 6507

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Hello, I'm Sandra Becker-Warden. I have provided counseling as a clinical social worker for over 30 years. My practice, Family Life Consultants, Inc. offers services in two locations and their respective surrounding areas; Collinsville, IL, and Lake Ozark, MO. I particularly enjoy working with families and couples, I also specialize in custody mediation, body image issues and eating disorders Ages include toddlers through seniors. I believe in involving the individual's support system in the treatment process - ie. family, school, work, when appropriate. This approach allows the support systems to realize their part in the individual's emotional health. I have worked with eating disorders/body image issues for over 15 years and recently founded Mind and Body Image Center(MBIC). MBIC incorporates a holistic approach to treatment, involving an in-house registered dietician, as well as the individual's family, primary care physician, psychiatrist, and other specialists. Special training includes Dialetical Behavior Therapy, Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Family Systems Therapy, I also offer professional consultation on mental health topics to schools, businesses and other organizations. Call or email today for your free phone or Skype consultation.