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Today is March 31, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Freeport, IL

location-map Freeport, IL | (815) 496 6505

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From 0 Reviews

It's challenging to come to a counselor for the first time or even to come back for another episode. Let me offer to help. I am willing to talk to you on the phone for a free 15 minute initial consultation. I have been helping folks for over 25 years. I have lived through my own and other's life challenges and changes and in short, in addition to my professional education and experience, have had some "on the job training" in life. Give me a call and allow me to help you. I draw from several sources of knowledge, skill and expertise to help you in your situation that brings you to therapy. I have professional education in counseling, life coaching and spiritual development. Together with client's and their families, I have learned much about more successfully managing life's changes. I have years of being on the consumer side of this field with family members with mental health concerns that I was involved in that gives me empathy and compassion. I have experience dealing with a wide spectrum of mental health and situational presentations for individuals, couples and families.