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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ottawa, IL

location-map Ottawa, IL

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I help people who are overwhelmed with changes and demands that come their way. I specialize in working with adults who are wondering if they have ADHD or Autism. Anxiety, masking and imposter syndrome can also be part of the problem. In telehealth sessions with me, you’ll get good science, practical suggestions, patience, and understanding. Let's connect. Schedule a free 15-minute intro call at You will get practical steps and tools to reduce social anxiety and improve stress management. You don’t have to feel overwhelmed anymore. Things don’t have to feel so unpredictable. You can feel calmer. You can be more confident. You can create better relationships. You can be free of the daily mountain of stress. Schedule a free 15-minute intro call at You’ll graduate from therapy with the skills to set healthy boundaries, improve your communication, and feel more confident. You'll be on your way with solutions in hand.

location-map Ottawa, IL | (815) 324 3124

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Are you struggling with depression, anxiety, anger, or having marital problems? Change is Possible. Depression and anxiety are treatable. Your quality of life can improve. You are not alone. I have many years of experience working with ages 9-75 to address issue of depression and anxiety through use of evidenced based treatments such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, Prolonged Exposure Therapy, Cognitive Processing Therapy, and CBT for tx of suicidal ideations. I work along side my clients and together we come up with a treatment plan that will work for you. Despite being extensively trained in evidenced based psychotherapy modalities I believe relationship with my clients is most important. Change is possible, let's walk together.