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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Palatine, IL

location-map Palatine, IL | (331) 244 0342

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I enjoy working with individuals of all ages including geriatrics. The majority of my experience has been with children and adolescents with emotional disorders, behavioral disorders, autism, and PANS/ PANDAS. I have experience working with individuals with traumatic stress. I am effective at helping individuals cope with major and minor life stresses. I perform diagnostic evaluations for individuals of all ages including cognitive, emotional, and personality assessment that can be used to inform therapeutic intervention and gain resources outside of therapy. I am passionate about helping individuals of diverse backgrounds. View 5 Photos I am able to integrate a number of therapeutic interventions with an overall focus on client-centered and child-centered therapy. I can help individuals identify their own strengths and act as an agent of their own change. I believe in the importance of humor and building a strong relationship of trust and collaboration.