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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Rochester, IL
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Rochester, IL | (217) 861 4097
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Tell me your story. I will listen intently and compassionately with the therapeutic insights I have gained over 42 years in a successful private practice. I help people, just like you, solve problems, heal from past hurts, and grow to take hold of a brighter future. Our sessions will be tailor-made to fit you and your needs. I utilize Cognitive Behavioral, Solution Focused, Narrative, Client Centered therapies and Christian Counseling. I will help you make connections to understand yourself more fully. You will discover and practice new ways of thinking and behaving so you can begin living the life you really want. I developed a counseling center which employed five counselors and a psychiatrist. I've authored two books with my wife, Adrienne, on raising stepchildren, including "The Blended Family." We conducted blended family and marriage seminars across the country. Our daily radio program, "Caring For You", ran for 13 years on 17 stations in the Midwest. We recently moved back to the Springfield/Decatur area and I am accepting new clients. Effective counseling can be a path to positive changes in your life including peace, happiness, and wellness. Let's discover your path to realize your full potential. Together we can do this. Call me.
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