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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Westmont, IL

location-map Westmont, IL | (331) 244 0875

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Hi there! My name is Manasa and I am a clinical psychologist, practicing in Illinois. My hope is to help you navigate through the various stressors that are bringing you into therapy, in a warm, safe, confidential space. I want to help you understand what is maintaining your negative feelings and behaviors and find ways to work through them in a way that allows you to live your life to the fullest. Our thoughts, feelings and behaviors are all intertwined. When one is disrupted, it only makes sense that the other two can be impacted as well. My goal is to help my clients understand the relationship between their own thoughts, feelings and behaviors and help them work through the negative impact that it may be having on their lives. I take a collaborative approach to treatment, which means that we work together as a team to help you process and work through the issues that are leading you to seek treatment. I also bring empathy, understanding and non-judgment to our sessions. I look forward to connecting with you!