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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Avon, IN

location-map Avon, IN | (317) 662 2136

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Our staff of counselors, who specialize in trauma and attachment issues, delight in helping you deal with relationship issues in your family, anxiety and depression, parent/child issues and many other mental health issues. While we are known as a Christian counseling center, we work with you where you are in your life and assist you in dealing with the issues you bring to the therapeutic relationship. Treatment processes range from traditional talk therapy to Attachment Based Relationship Therapy. For the Church or Employer who is seeking an Assistance Program, we have many options to choose from to help you support your congregation or employees. Those choices range from fee for service to 8 session model. Call today so we can match a program to your needs. Whatever your issue, our counselors are skilled at helping you see opportunity and hope in somewhat cloudy, depressing times.

location-map Avon, IN | (317) 279 6675

Accepting New Clients

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Feeling stuck in your feelings, old habits, a relationship, etc., may be your body’s way of telling you you’re ready for change. If you’re new to therapy, or had a bad therapy experience in the past, however, finding the right therapist can be overwhelming. We’re meant to experience many emotions; the problem comes when we’re immobilized by them, we only feel the difficult ones, or when our thoughts and feelings keep us from living our values. If a therapist promises you that therapy will “fix” you, and they have the formula to achieve 100% happiness - I advise you to run or roll (for my wheelchair using friends!) past their bios. I won’t promise to “fix” you. I’ve had the honor of working with people who have experienced unimaginable loss and pain, and not one of them needed to be fixed. Good therapy helps you to discover what is most important to you, and to live as if it is. You are the expert on you, and I will use my training and experience to support your growth. Every client deserves to feel safe, cared about, respected, and comfortable with their therapist. What that looks and feels like is different for everyone. If you would like to meet with me for a consultation to figure out if we are a good therapeutic fit, please feel free to book a consultation on my website or to reach out via email. Take good care!