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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Dyer, IN

location-map Dyer, IN | (219) 500 7120

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Hi, I believe the client is the expert in their own life, and this means they should have a strong voice throughout the therapy process. I provide a therapeutic environment where clients feel comfortable to share thoughts and feelings, whether they are negative or positive, in the moment. I will definitely meet any of my client's where they are at. I believe most progress happens outside of therapy, so clients find most success when they are willing to be challenged or to experiment with new ideas. I specialize in treating children, teens and adults who struggle with trauma, anxiety, depression, and anger management. I am passionate about working with this population and integrate a variety of different therapeutic approaches including CBT, DBT, and behavioral therapy to adapt to the needs of each client. I became a therapist because I learned how empowering it feels to overcome challenges and regain control of your feelings and behavior. I have spent countless hours researching and practicing these skills myself, and want to help other's achieve success as well. This is often challenging, so positivity and nonjudgement are common during session.