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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Granger, IN
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The only thing that's stopping you from breaking the chains of addiction is fear and shame - and I'm here to help you do exactly that. I'm an addiction specialist who helps people overcome the painful thoughts and feelings that stand in the way of their peace, freedom, and happiness. Addiction thrives on isolation, so don't waste any more time trying to go it alone. When you're ready to save your own life, I'm here to help. Addiction treatment is different from any other type of therapy. You need someone who understands what you’re going through, and won't just lecture you about "what you need to do." My group and individual therapy programs offer the tools, support, and unconditional acceptance to help you find the courage to face the truth, and get your life back on track. I believe that effective therapy is essential to everyone's recovery. Any control you may gain with willpower alone won’t just be temporary, it’ll feel unnecessarily painful. Recovery is all about connecting to the people who "get it," and will gently help you move beyond the pain, the shame, and the insanity.
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Have a chat with our friendly chatbot, Bee. Bee gets to know YOU – who you are, what you’re dealing with, and more. Then, we use AI to match you with the therapists you’re most likely to have Therapeutic Alliance with and most likely to have success with.