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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Selma, IN

location-map Selma, IN | (192) 584 7361

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Faithful counsel sees individuals, couples, children, and families. We are trained to provide counseling for a range of issues including but not limited to depression, anxiety, relationship conflicts, addictions (from drugs & alcohol to sexual addiction), anger, marital strife & infidelity. The clients that present to our practice are interested in receiving counseling from a Christian worldview and biblical foundation. They understand that the wisdom of man is limited and that apart from God, we can do nothing. Faithful counsel is a Christian counseling practice. We consider it an honor to come alongside individuals, families, & couples struggling with a wide range of issues. Our goal is to provide godly counsel with truth in love. Although the counselors are trained in psychological theory & therapy, we hold God's word as the ultimate authority in helping others. If you've been struggling to find peace and joy, we'd consider it an honor to walk alongside of you and provide support and counsel as you navigate this season in your life. God brings us through many seasons in our lives, none are permanent, yet all are designed to work for our good. Give us a call today and see how we might be a blessing to you!