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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Arlington, KS

location-map Arlington, KS | (620) 349 5008

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Do you need someone to talk to? Are you stressed over the everyday chaos of life? Do you spend a lot of time worrying or feeling anxious? Do you worry about pleasing others or about what others think? These can be signs of anxiety. At times do you feel hopeless, isolated or not your usual self? Do you struggle with unresolved guilt? Do you feel there is no one you can talk to about your intense or personal feelings? These can be signs of depression. Have you tried to resolve these issues on your own without much success? My practice specializes in Anxiety and Depression treatment. I incorporate Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Exposure techniques into my treatment approach. These are effective methods for treating both anxiety and depressive disorders. Patients often find relief in realizing that their struggle does not own them, and that there are many options available for regaining hope in their lives. I can help you sort out the environmental, biological and circumstantial factors in your life while offering support and care. If any of the above issues resonate with you, we can find a solution.