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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Easton, KS

location-map Easton, KS | (816) 533 7635

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Your struggle is REAL. Maybe those closest to you don't understand it. Maybe they ask you, 'why can't you just let it go?' Maybe you even ask yourself this sometimes, and come up with no good answer. If you are frustrated and stuck, come see me ASAP! There are ways in which we can help you finally and COMPLETELY process through your pain, anger, and self-doubts. If you would like your 'past' to STOP being your 'present,' please give me a call. View 4 Photos I am a Certified Trauma Treatment Specialist (CTTP) and I specialize in treating Complex and Simple PTSD, Dissociative Disorders (including DID), and the aftereffects of surviving relational trauma. I work with people who have a history surviving narcissistic abuse, physical/emotional/spiritual/and sexual abuse, Betrayal Trauma and other attachment wounds. If you could spend a relatively small amount of time working on your issues, would you do it if it meant that you could actually heal your mind and NO LONGER BE BOTHERED by old wounds and hurts? I'm talking about REAL RESULTS here. We will set goals, then achieve them. Then, you won't need therapy any more. That's the point of it all, right? Healing your old hurts frees you up to LIVE IN THE MOMENT. You can have the happiness and closure you deserve and you will NOT regret the work or the investment in yourself and your future. Please call me today.