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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hays, KS

location-map Hays, KS | (785) 264 4499

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I am a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor & also a Licensed Clinical Addictions Counselor. . I have over 20 years of experience. I am qualified & motivated to help families & individuals in a variety of Mental Health situations to improve their skills in coping and managing with daily stressors. My personal and professional experiences come together in my abilities to help people overcome trauma, grief, effects of domestic violence or cope with every day stressors that are encountered in daily life. I have worked in a variety of settings such as Family Services, Corrections, & a Hospital Based Mental Health Program for Senior Adults. I am a Fort Hays State Alumni & also a Farm Wife/Mother/Grandmother who understands the joys & difficulties of being a member of a rural Northwest Kansas Farm Community

location-map Hays, KS | (316) 712 7268

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Experience change TODAY. Your Well-Being Is in Good Hands. Are you struggling with issues related to depression, trauma, grief, anxiety, parenting struggles, uncontrollable anger, or major life changes? There comes a time when help is needed from a licensed professional to cope with life's challenges. I offer traditional in-office therapy in Wichita, KS and for those on the go or looking for a more convenient way to communicate, I offer TELEHEALTH therapy anywhere in Kansas. I'm a licensed Clinical Social Worker and I'm here to support you on your journey toward healing and self-discovery. I also offer anger management. Direct service plans are also available to meet your mental health needs. Please inquire about pre-paid, affordable monthly plans that allow you full access to your therapist via texting, calls, and Telehealth. This option is perfect for teens who like to communicate via technology and anyone who wants to talk to their therapist in real-time.

location-map Hays, KS | (913) 300 9944

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Perhaps with today’s latest challenges you feel out of balance, stuck in some places, and in need of a fresh approach that honors your strengths and personal values. My clients know who they are and are motivated towards continued growth. Many are beginning to struggle with loss as they, their friends, and their family age. Some have never learned to cope. Some manage using chemicals but now recognize that these strategies are unsustainable. My practice focuses on adults working through anxiety, depression, addiction, life transitions and grief. I use a motivational style including cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness practice to help clients achieve increased relaxation and focus. My style is warm, conversational, and sprinkled with humor. I love working with older adults. I am a secular therapist. My clients look forward to talking with me because we meet where they are, with openness and acceptance. We will do some remarkable problem solving together. Through our work we will push past long held beliefs, process barriers that have served some purpose in your life, and then move toward your vision of how life can be.