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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Mcpherson, KS

location-map Mcpherson, KS | (620) 299 2934

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My goal as a therapist is to create a safe, comfortable healing environment for each individual to find their path to live their best life. Each person has an individual journey to travel. My goal is to assist clients travel that path with comfort knowing their personal compass will lead the way. I utilize several therapeutic approaches focused on the client’s existential needs at the time. I delight in supporting my clients in achieving their personal goals in order to live their best life in a positive mental health state. The approach I build my practice around is Somatic Experiencing and EMDR therapy. Both models allow for processing old memories via creation of new neural pathways. These techniques can be used for anxiety, trauma, depression, low self-esteem, grief, chronic high stress, PTSD, etc. Every session is focused on the client's individual needs in that moment. I have worked many years building connection with my clients. I truly feel passionate about the healing process and assisting clients in the journey. I am able to use a wide range of methods to identify the root cause of the issues that clients present. Being part of my client’s success is my focus. Reach out today to set up time to begin your process.