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Today is January 20, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Topeka, KS

location-map Topeka, KS | (785) 264 4573

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Greetings, my name is Aíne (pronounced "Anya") Nevar. You're here because you seek solutions to questions you have been asking, and now you have decided to take action. Some of you are experienced with psychotherapy, others are new to this way of self-discovery--a deeper exploration of yourself and how you focus yourself in this world. How do I live with anxiety or depression or trauma? More importantly, how do I learn to heal myself, deliberately control my life, my reality, and create or manifest my dreams? Well, my client friends, you're right on time and you're in the right place. Good feeling thoughts to consider, yes? Sometimes you feel stuck, impossibly so, but then it gets better. Wouldn't it be nice to control the "it gets better" part? My specialty is PTSD, childhood trauma, anxieties, depression, gender identity issues, women's issues, spirituality. My focus--a diverse, holistic, integrative approach, helping you to clarify your priorities and return to well-being.

location-map Topeka, KS | (785) 734 0959

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Tired of relying on talk therapy and medication, only to feel stuck in a pattern of chronic distress? I can help you! We offer advanced clinical services to identify the root of the problem and provide real and lasting transformation. I have advanced training in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) for the treatment of complex trauma, mood and anxiety issues. Also offered in our clinic, is neuro-psych genetic testing and food sensitivity testing. This allows the patient to received individualized recommendation for supplementing and diet tweaks to improve optimal brain and body health! Clients often find great relief from EMDR, genetic testing and related strategies for calming anxiety and depression, as well as, gut issues, thryroid conditions, and auto-immunity. The brain and body are closely connected! For those with trauma and chronic anxiety or mood disturbances, EMDR can more quickly change neuro-patterns and give lasting relief. You're not crazy or weak. Symtoms tell a story. We believe that symptoms are most often not dysfunctions, but rather, patterns of response that are no longer helpful in current life situations. Most psychological discomfort exists for valid reasons and can be relieved once treated at the root of the problem. Let's get started on your healing!