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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Westwood, KS

location-map Westwood, KS | (913) 914 9793

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I'm a Sex-Positive Relationship Therapist. I practice Gottman Method Couples Therapy, which integrates empirical evidence on what makes love last. Based on 40 years of relationship research, the Gottman approach takes the guess-work out of how we can cultivate strong and lasting relationships. I utilize the Developmental Model for Couples to support my clients with actualizing their interpersonal potential, while honoring their individuality in the context of their relationships. View 4 Photos I understand that every person’s story and situation is unique and valid. I'm intentional about developing trust and creating a judgment free space. I view counseling as a collaborative process where my primary goal is to meet you at whatever point in your journey you are today. I practice Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) to help clients reduce stress, panic and anxiety. Tapping is a confluence of mindfulness, self-compassion, exposure therapy, and accessing the body’s ability to down-regulate our stress response through acupuncture points.