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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Erlanger, KY

location-map Erlanger, KY | (859) 687 6988

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

As your therapist, I will collaborate with you to gain the insight and coping skills to work through your problems and live a life that is authentic to you and your values. I feel passionate about working with individuals who are seeking to: improve their mental health, better manage anxiety, alleviate depression, navigate relationship or family stress, communicate more clearly, and set healthy boundaries. It is my goal to provide you a different perspective on your problems and help you better understand your emotions. I strive to create a safe and supportive environment to encourage personal or relational growth and healing. I provide a LGBTQ+ affirming space and I enjoy working with clients of all backgrounds, relationship structures, and identities. I know firsthand how it can be difficult to get started (or even start over) with therapy. I am here to make the process as seamless and beneficial to your mental health as possible! Please check out my website to see if I might be a good fit for your therapeutic needs.

location-map Erlanger, KY | (539) 224 5296

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This is not the life you pictured, is it? You know things need to change but have no idea where to start. Being a human in this fast-paced society is quite difficult and often times heartbreaking. I strive to place the therapeutic relationship as my primary focus, because until someone feels authentically accepted, change is not going to be possible. You came here to change things in your life but ironically, first you have to learn to accept who and what you are, right in this moment. I can help you get to that place! I mix science of the brain & body in combination with identifying the many loops and patterns we tend to get "stuck" in, to help clients achieve authentic change, and a more peaceful outlook on themselves and their life.