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Today is March 31, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Jackson, KY

location-map Jackson, KY | (606) 202 7727

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You deserve to live a better life, and to become the best possible version of yourself! Choosing health, happiness, and fulfillment can be an intimidating decision. But oh so important! Connecting with a therapist is an invaluable tool in fostering the growth, development, and progression needed to reach your desired goals. In a therapeutic relationship with me, you're the director, and I'm the facilitator. You will be met with safety, security, compassion, dedication, acceptance, and understanding. You decide the life you want, and I utilize my experience, and education to guide you along the healthy path to get there. Tired of hearing the standard "breath, journal, and exercise" treatment plan? Coping mechanisms are important, but they're a band-aid. Together, we will dive into the core, and stitch the deeper wound causing your unwanted symptoms, behavior, and mindset. I may not know the answer, but I will do my damndest to find it. You deserve health, healing, and happiness. You are worth wellness. And I can help you get there. It's been long enough. Let's get this journey started! We offer flexible availability with immediate openings for Telehealth appointments, and accept most insurance plans. Call or email today to start the next chapter of your life!